Thursday, October 15, 2009

Some older stuff!!!

I have posted these before (not on this blog) but I thought you might enjoy them anyway...

Gabe who is 7 now.
Ayane who is 5 now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Where do I start? I guess right from the beginning. :) I used to have a scrapbooking blog, but I tried to add a new template from someplace else and it deleted half of my stuff on there. After that I decided to just stop blogging until I had more time to start over. Well, that time is now. Not that I have more time to do things but I am "finding" time to really focus on my business. This year has been a lot of new beginnings for me...
Once again, welcome to my blog and please bear with me while I work on this blog. I promise I will try my best.